Today, I want to crave your indulgence about an issue in our sinking nation – Nigeria. Few days ago, George Weah, the president of Liberia kept one of his campaign promises by declaring free education in all Liberia’s Tertiary Institutions. He did say in his last campaign before the elections that if he was voted in as President of Liberia, his administration will set an example for other African countries and he kept his word. These things are applaudable as this is one of the good virtues any government should posses.
The notion that has successfully brainwashed an average Nigerian is that “All Politicians Are Liars”. We simply cannot blame those who have been beguiled by this saying because they have experienced it themselves in Nigeria. We’ve ALWAYS had lying governments. Even the present administration… From the President, Buhari, to Information Minister, Lai Mohammed, and almost every other person on the Cabinet. Little wonder that our people say, “A Liar Is Also A Thief”.
As the politicians deceive the populace with their lying tongue , they dilute it with embezzlement of Public funds. Since independence, politicians vying for various political offices are full of promises – they never fulfill any. You’ll agree with me that instead of promising Nigerians many things, it is better to promise them just one thing that you’ll do. If every sitting president has been doing so, by now Nigeria will not be a sinking sand and the World’s Poverty Capital. If one administration tackles infrastructure and another comes in to handle power, we won’t be where we are now.
To be candid, corruption is in almost every African country, but this one in Nigeria is too much. We can boldly say that the synonym of Nigeria is Corruption. Politicians make promises they have no intention of fulfilling.
In Nigeria, what the Misfits in governments do is to make announcement of plans, and ignore it’s appropriation. They make announcements of promises they’ll never fulfil. They pacify people with White Elephant Promises and turn their back on implementing them. When Nigerians complain, they make promises to them so that they can keep shut. As soon as their mouth is shut, the promises will die at the negotiation table.
In the United States and other nations whose priority is given to her citizens, they don’t just say anything – especially making of promises. They are aware of its implication. They know that every promise made must be kept. The exact opposite of this abounds in Nigeria.
Sometimes in 2015, an old man named Buhari and his cohorts went around the country with empty Presidential Campaign Promises. They promised gullible Nigerians that they would buy Heaven and Earth. Many didn’t know that an old man as such could be such a bloody liar.
I did know because I’ve read about what led to his succession as Nigeria’s Military ruler in 1984. He took over power after a successful coup on Shagari’s government. He (Buhari) explained that he took over power to curb the recession problem Nigeria was facing and this was true.
We were beaten by economic recession then and the elites were less concerned. He further explained that he took over power to get Nigeria rid of Corruption and to restore the nation back to its rightful place in the continent. This was a lie, in fact, his government witnessed Gross Corruption. When you investigate and study his administration in relation to the attempt kidnap of Umaru Dikko, a Nigerian politician that lived in the US, you’ll know that he is a man with no regard for the rule of law. It is a different thing to make promises, it is another to fulfill them.
Administrations that make promises without fulfiling them is characterized by Infidelity. It is a sign that they have no regard for the populace and have taken them as fools.
Call To Action: Tell me one of PMB’s campaign promises that he has fulfilled?
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