By Petra Oluwamajente Onyegbule
Dear President Muhammadu Buhari,
Your Excellency,
Congratulations on your inauguration for a second term as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I am hoping that today will herald the beginning of a governance style that will renew lost confidence in your leadership and Nigeria.
I am not one of those who will suddenly blame overburdened, overstretched, overlaboured Nigerians for their situations when we put the blame of the crushing poverty Nigerians experienced on the desk of the man in charge. So I hope to see better living conditions for Nigerians.
We are hardworkers. We’ve got smarts. We know how to make money run errands for us effectively and still have it. But the environment is suffocating entrepreneurs to the point of choking. The ease of doing business should make life really easy. And it goes beyond CAC registration. What’s that in the scheme of things?
We need power. We need security. We need tax cuts. We need access to finance.
Nigerians deserve improved living…. not on paper, but in reality.
There’s no denying that the enthusiasm which greeted your first term waned considerably. It waned. What are you going to do to ensure posterity doesn’t demystify you totally?
Appointments must be spread across Nigeria per sector…. four years are more than enough for the base argument of “if security heads are all from the north, are all economic heads not from south?” In any case, that was no longer true after the resignation of Ms. Adeosun. Spread your appointments round sir. Every region brims with capable nationalists. We have tried “loyalty”, it didn’t really pay. Let’s try competence. A good leader will earn the fierce loyalty of their subordinates. It is nearly automatic. Sycophancy is not loyalty sir.
We can’t afford to wait for even a month to appoint ‘noise makers’. We can’t.
You don’t have to be Minister for Petroleum, sir. Appoint a technocrat who understands the sector and let him modernize it. We can’t continue with this monstrous regime of subsidizing petrol. Let us deregulate totally, Your Excellency.
Vice President Yemi Osinbajo is capable. Give him more critical and strategic responsibilities for country.
This Next Level should be a tenure of all round improvement.
I had my reservations about your first term but supported you for a second because I think that there have been a few areas of growth given where we came from. We now need development.
Above all, give NIGERIANS a sense of unity. The president of Nigeria SHOULD NOT BE SEEN to be mollycoddling some group of destructive people because they share socio-cultural affiliations. All security threats should be crushed without fear or favor. Nigeria belongs to us all. We have to feel it to believe it.
I wish you good health and a successful second term.
Congratulations, Your Excellencies.
Signed: Petra Oluwamajente Onyegbule
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