Written By Al Akhigbe (Farmer Al)
“Northern domination is a farce thrown around by ethnic bigots like you…”
“Your pseudo intellectualism is one of the problem of the country…”
“You skew narratives to suit your etnic bias…” etc.
These are some of the words a certain abroadian intellectual used to lambast me in 2017 when I raised the alarm of Fulanisation of Nigeria in my post. She took me to the cleaners in my inbox and we fought for hours until the inbox caught fire.
You know these abroadian intellectuals nau. Plenty English and theoretical analysis, but no sense of reality. She even had the statistics of UN Dfid at the tip of her fingers. Poor farmer that had no access to such statistics had to allow sleeping dogs lie. Smh.
I don’t know how many people knew about the existence of Miyetti Allah in Nigeria before Buhari happened. Even as a farmer who was supposed to be prone to herdsmen attacks, I never heard of any such organisation.
I only began to hear about them as time progressed in the life of this administration. They began to make audacious proclamations and were untouchable even when they confess to killings. Earnestly, their presence became felt by the instrumentality of terror.
Take it or leave it, the organisation is the most dreaded and respected in Nigeria today. People get feverish when the group sneezed. Their influence on the federal government is not lost on many. Any law not favourable to the group is not sanctioned by the federal government.
So powerful is their influence on the federal government that they can dare to ask for formation of their own security in the eastern region. So dreaded is the group that the entire east (government, groups and people) panicked at the audacious call.
Question is, if it was Afenifere or PANDEV or MASSOB or just any group that put forward such proposal, what would be the response of the federal government? Can they even can?
Mind you, they’re already dominating the federal security apparatus. Nigeria security would protect cattle first before humans.
I know a lot of people don’t like the way I tell it as it is. Nevertheless I’ll still tell it to set the captives free.
Today, two years after that mumullectual dressed me down, her kinsman-one of the most respected statesmen in Nigeria-has also come out to raise the same alarm. FFK, another of her kinsman, has raised the same alarm. Eastern leaders and groups are raising same alarm.
I’m still waiting for her attack on her brothers, OBJ and FFK. OBJ is Owu and she is Egba. FFK is Yoruba, she’s Yoruba. They’re family.
OBJ is a farmer, I’m a farmer.
He’s a PhD holder, I also have a PhD in Farming Psychology from the revered University of Mannittawiw.
Fair play please!
Copyright: Al Akhigbe
Comments (2)
Kingsley Dominicsays:
June 27, 2019 at 7:32 amAh!!! This man is damn good!!! He best me not just in writing this piece first but even in better words. Bravo!
June 27, 2019 at 5:13 pmY’all won’t leave Mannitawiw alone, superb piece btw. Only a blind and wilfully obstinate person will not see the link between M.Y, the Fulanisation agenda and this federal government.