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PMB Administration; milking the masses.

After a stressful day running from one city to another in Lagos. I decided to settle down to rest, then, i received a text from my bank informing me of the increment in deposit/withdrawal charges. This came as a big blow to me, because, I had earlier that day been running helter shelter to resolve a debit alert mistake made by my bank. They unnecessarily removed my money without any reason except their usual big grammar when they’re up to their mischief. Every Nigerian knows how terrible our banks can be. You can accidentally forget your online banking password, and, be required to bring your ancestor’s certificate of occupancy, if care isn’t taken. They’re as terrible as that.

Yesterday, the CBN announced the increment in deposit/withdrawal charges. Despite the pain Nigeria banks are putting their customers through – from unnecessary debits and bank charges – the CBN has further empower them, and to enrich those in power, to add salt to the injury of the Nigerian masses. No wonder, they make billions in few months from ATM card maintenance fee alone. This new rule will mean that every individual account have to pay 3% to deposit funds and 2% to withdraw funds, for corporate account, its 5% for the former and 3% from the latter – all for funds from 500k and above. If you think this isn’t outrageous, then, you’re a masochist.

This is the way the increment for VAT from 5% to 7.2% was casually announced. What happened to citizen inclusive government? This administration is far from being serious. Not every policy will work in Nigeria. We lack certain values enlightened nations have imbibed over a long period of time. Trying to copy them or compare ourselves with them will be a mirage. Nigeria is gradually becoming the gaunt of Africa.

Since the inception of this administration, they have shown to be mentally lazy. They find it hard or even impossible to think of innovative ways other than milking the masses dry. They have no creative way to earn. They keep coming for the small money the masses are managing themselves with at every point they can. They ushered their citizens into multidimensional poverty and still want to further impoverish them. Instead of lifting them out of poverty, they keep dig them deep into lack. They make empty promises to them and disregard their welfare. Its visible to the blind.

This will not be the last time they’ll come for our money. They’ll keep doing this over and over again, using every tyrannical means at their disposal. If Nigerians don’t act quick they’ll be paying the government to provide them with good roads, housing and power. Citizen’s rights will become a privilege – this will be the most sorry state we will find ourselves. Like winter, its coming. Enjoy your next level.

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