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By Abu Onyiani


During the run up to the 2015 General Elections, the Presidential elections was keenly contested by the incumbent Goodluck Jonathan of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressive Congress (APC). The mudslinging and name calling on social media and in newspapers was unrivalled as supporters of both parties and politicians seemed evenly matched.

I did not care about politics then, and did not bother to register for a Permanent Voters Card (PVC), but I was vocally against the candidacy of General Muhammadu Buhari’s candidacy, for exactly the same reasons many Nigerians wanted him back ( He had stolen power before and his regime was callous and unnecessarily harsh, some believed regular politicians were now so corrupt they needed a brute). Many who genuinely hated (and for good reasons too) the PDP rose against the party because of how they ran the nation, with a notoriety for “sharing the money”. That was what they claimed Buhari came to stop, corruption.

A few of the arguments I got into with friends saw me pulling away at the speed of light. In one of his anger induced rant, a friend of mine Peter Kingsley had christened me a PDPig. A few months after Buhari assumed office and the economy was plunged into avoidable crises, Peter had also gleefully called me a wailing wailer in the comments of a Facebook post I made in an account that was hacked by thieves in pursuant of their Yahoo criminality. Thankfully, he wailed louder than I did by the time his Lord President was done with him.

Oluwafemi Adeleke, another friend of mine also argued in favor of General Buhari, in company of his younger brother Oluwatobi and their late father at their fashion shop. His father, no doubt a believer of “spare the rod, spoil the adult” claimed that Nigerian Army Officers beating people on the street was good for discipline, and it was all I could do to not yell at him.

Buhari in his first coming as an inconsiderate martial brute was so disastrous they coined Buharism after his brutal, high handed monocracy. His economic policies or lack of them were so deleterious to the economy that poverty was increased. My late father was a victim who lost his good job within a few months of Buhari’s mindless coup d’Etat and vacuous economic policies. The only thing Buhari proved in his first regime were his tendencies to be unnecessarily high handed and iron fisted, with a misregard to actual leadership. Many heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he was deposed. He seemed to be on a vengeance mission, rather than on a mission to actually save Nigeria, and he proved it again as soon as he was elected in 2015.

Buhari is Nigeria’s worst ever leader, but from Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Bulaba trajectory, he is set to obliterate his immediate predecessor’s ugly record. The fact that “Bulaba” is destroying the economy isn’t even the main concern I have, or the rationale for this piece, it is from the obviously mentally retarded, intellectually vacuous brain dead morons supporting him that is disconcerting. Some of these Bulabas hid under supporting candidates with outside chances like Omoyele Sowore and Prince Adewole Adebayo, or claimed to be fence sitters. But in the aftermath of Bulaba’s alleged win in an election that took the lives of 109 innocent Nigerians (as reported by Premium times), these troglodytes have suddenly emerged from their prehistoric caves and are now jumping from post to post on facebook where people are expressing their rightful angst at the Bulaba’s regime with “whether you like it or not, he is your president”.

These debilitated juvenile nincompoops are taking us back to 2015, when criticisms of the incurably inept General Muhammadu Buhari were met with severe censure, alongside the tag wailing wailer. Many Buharists mocked us in 2015, but by 2023, they wept, like Jesus did in John.

This Bulaba regime has not started well, and many innocent Nigerians have been driven into multidimensional poverty, even as the Lord Bulaba himself cannot provide evidence of achievements or seeds he has sown from the billions saved from the removal of subsidy so far, or even a legible explanation for the supposed reintroduction.

Claiming they were insulted for months, these infantile and sadistic Bulabas guffaw with orgasmic pleasure at criticism of their master’s misrule. Apparently, they are unperturbed by the poverty and economic challenges they themselves are now swimming in because it amuses them that people are wailing about the state of the nation.

This is not good news for Nigeria.

Nevertheless, I am encouraged by the bravery of decent Nigerians who are unperturbed by the petulance of these unscrupulous elements. Sam Omatseye, a man child has already started working overtime, trying to muzzle the cries of poor people his Lord Bulaba decreed should be allowed to breathe. I just hope he is properly compensated, unlike his men at arms Femi Fani kayode and Tope Fasua who have been quietly relegated to the second eleven with mundane posts.

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