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Chasing The Tail

by Foli Adewojo

In the 80’s, we had the Obadare’s, Oshofa’s, Abiara’s, Babalola’s, and co. In the 90’s, we had and still have the Adeboye’s, Kumuyi’s, Oyedepo’s, Oyakhilome’s, and co. In the 2000’s, it is the Ashimolowo’s, Oritsejafor’s, Adeyemi’s, Adefarasin’s, and co. Currently we have the Indaboski’s, Mummy GO, Suleiman, Fatoyinbo, and several other miscreants. I wonder what the next generations of miracle peddlers and hope sellers will bring to the table… Virtual miracles maybe.

The narrative above is similar to that of the Nigerian (African) politics, though the same people over the years, with an occasional infusion of new vultures buffeting on the same carcass (With the exception of some very few good ones). In both cases, the advantages and benefits are not trending up, but going down.

Just like the value of our economy is nosediving, so is our religious beliefs and practices. We have mastered the religion more than those who brought it to us, so much that in some cases, they do not want to see us or they shut their doors in our face, when we peddle our nonsense to their corridors.

Other countries are breaking barriers and inventing things that change/improve lives and impact the world in general, while we are fasting and praying every day for divine intervention. Everyone and everything is hinged on miracles… from miracle money (aka financial breakthrough) with no job or work, to miracle baby without consulting a medical specialist (or cannot afford one), to miracle houses without any form of income.

We are so focused on the illusion of spiritual miracles that we failed to notice and appreciate the miracles that happen around us every day and how we can be a part of it. There are hundreds of examples of miracles that the world around us is creating daily and still creating, while we continue to fast and pray without finding meaningful ways to action our prayers.

Do we ever wonder how rockets as heavy and big as they are, were able to travel out to space? How airplanes fly in the sky for several hours carrying hundreds of people? How satellites are sent to and suspended in space without being tied to any cables or any pillars holding them? How a little plastic with wires connected to a monitor is able to determine the gender of a baby, or reveal the condition of an organ without the flesh being cut open? How vital human organs such as liver, kidney and many others are transplanted from one person to another, extending the recipient’s lives in the process?

If anyone ever told Obafemi Awolowo or Nnamdi Azikiwe that one day on a hand held devices, we will be able to talk face to face from our toilet in the villages of Africa with people in America and Europe real-time, they would most likely tell you… that would be a miracle!. And it is! We refused to build an enabling society that will empower our population and improve our dignity. But daily, we scramble to benefit from the products of the western miracles.

We call the Chinese unbelievers and idol worshipers, but we borrow their money to build our lands and nations, we take Chinese loans to create thousands of jobs for the religiously overdosed population. Does that mean their idols are more powerful than our gods?

How is it a coincidence that almost every one that migrated from Africa to the western world is able to do WAY BETTER than when they were in Africa, the praying capital of the world, and where the world largest churches are located? The possible simple answer to that is that while the western world (SOME) do pray, they also care about their people. And those who are not religious among them are logically astute enough to put in place structures that ensure accountability and curb excessiveness and abuse.

The western societies understand the power of numbers, they invest in their people by providing jobs and creating an environment that promote entrepreneurship, they don’t just pray and go to sleep, like we do. Though they are not perfect, but we are not even close to their least perfect ones. The same people who tell us to pray when we are sick, are the same people who will travel to America and Europe to see a doctor when they are sick. They live the best life and have access to the best things life has to offer, all at the expense of their followers and believers.

I TRULY PERSONALLY HAVE NOTHING AGAINST RELIGION, I believe if the essence of religion is used right, it will help maintain orderliness, high level of personal and communal responsibilities and above all promote love and unity around the world, the reverse is the case at the moment. I have and personally know a very few religious leaders who are fine men and very responsible, can be trusted and are dependable, those are not the ones I am talking about (If you know some too, good for you).


(c) Foli Adewojo, January 2023

Comments (23)

  • Nzubechi enyiohasays:

    January 9, 2023 at 8:54 pm

    i love this article so much
    you point out important vital point
    religion have really mess alot of people up
    religious leaders Keep on feeding on their fellowers ignorance
    where are we really heading
    western are advance with science and technology
    religion and stupid superstition have eaten alot of people brain

  • Umar M. Lawalsays:

    January 9, 2023 at 9:04 pm

    Until the day barrier between people and their creator is removed from the tight grip of middlemen (religious leaders), religion will continue to be a thing of oppression and misinterpretation.

    I don’t know about the Bible, but the first and most important command given by Allah to the prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) is “read” “read” and “read” three times, but the majority have abandoned it to a few others who turned it into a commercial venture.

  • Ngwuta Roselinesays:

    January 9, 2023 at 9:52 pm

    This is beautiful.
    I don’t have any issue with religion, at this point, I don’t have any issue with those religious leaders, the people I have serious issues with those people that have refused to grow that hear the same thing over and over again without results.

  • Godwinsays:

    January 9, 2023 at 10:11 pm

    Awesomely written! I wish the sheepish church goers will understand how these men are milking them to live their dream lives. They will be giving false hope of heaven but can’t wait to get to heaven before enjoying their lives. Is so pathetic.

    • Anniesays:

      January 10, 2023 at 11:00 am

      These are the issues!!! I was in a church yesterday. Well, I went to see a young man for a business discussion and he insisted on going to church and I had to wait. The young man was everything rude!!! I sat in that church for the one hour duration bit lasted and I came away totally convinced beyond any doubt that religion is our problem!

  • Olufunkesays:

    January 9, 2023 at 11:11 pm

    The only thing that still baffles me at all times is the attitude of the people themselves….if ignorance is their problem, how is it that even when you put it out for them to see and know the truth about these religion leaders , the gullible followers cannot be bothered and still choose to continue living the lies

  • Emmanuel A Olorunyomisays:

    January 10, 2023 at 5:52 am

    This is a well thought out piece. Indeed there are still fine religious leaders but the chaff outnumber the wheat with a very wide margin. It is why it is going to be very difficult to discountenance those who criticize religion.

  • Ojieh Jefferson Ekieginisays:

    January 10, 2023 at 1:24 pm

    This is a very detailed piece. More ink to your pen sir.
    I hope we all wake up someday even though it seems impossible.

  • Maverick Ndubuisisays:

    January 10, 2023 at 6:20 pm

    Nice one here. I can’t comment on your post. But I follow them. Facebook kept me on compulsory sabbatical 😂.
    I’d be coming here to comment as I can’t do that on Facebook. Religion has eaten deep into our collective consciousness negatively. It will take something of a miracle to purge us. That miracle lies in sound Education. That is the only way out. And thus Education must be accessible to all. For we as a people to be truly be free. I hope sincerely that we get it right sooner rather than later.

  • Audu Mikail Okoiyesays:

    January 10, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    It was quite a good read.

    Thank you for sharing this post with us on Facebook Sir. Ajibola.

    There’s more to the menace we are facing in Africa than what we are seeing on the surface.

    The main thing responsible for the unnecessary religiousity is insufficient education right from the Elementary.

    There’s a way the brain works. If some kind of doctrine or principle got stamped to the brain of an individual, the Impulsivity of that individual will be channel towards that doctrine or principle by his or her Zombie brain.

    The best way to approach this is a counter education and this costs Money. A whole lot of Money.

    Those who have the Money are not bothered about the menace and those who are bothered about the menace does not have the Money or are not willing to expend it on that course to that extent.

    The situation will still remain a loose-loose to Africans especially Nigerians until the next generation that the conscious Africans are nurturing becomes the active Inhabitants of Africa

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