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By Kehinde Nubi

As Pastor Christian Oyakhilome turns 60 today, it is as good as anytime to put him under the radar and to touch the ‘anointed man of God’, and wait for the anger of God for touching his anointed.

Ordinarily, it should not be one’s business how the maverick preacher fingers the brains of his sheep. However, ever since I came to the inescapable conclusion that manipulating people with religion is human rights abuse, I have a duty to intervene and speak up. In other words, we have to save people from these manipulators who call themselves their pastors.

Chris Oyakhilome is one pastor who has succeeded in no small measure in raising a cult followership. His sheep listen to his drivel and swallow all the nonsense he says without evaluating it. This is, to say the least, tragic.

Christians are always saying that we should mind our business, and that we should leave their leaders alone. What they fail to realise is that they are in an abusive relationship with their leaders, and on account of that alone, we are entitled to intervene. Chris Oyakhilome in particular has been involved in spinning crazy theories, which, unfortunately, are believed by his sheep.

I recall his nonsensical pronouncements on Covid-19 – on the pandemic, on the virus and on the vaccine. His conspiracy theories on these were more than crazy, going by conspiracy theory standards. He kept on linking the pandemic to the emergence of 5G technology, and his sheep who were obviously dumber than him, believed him.

Of course, we tore him to pieces on this, and events later proved his claims to be very foolish. However, you can trust him to come up with more crazy theories, it’s his stock-in-trade. I am yet to fathom what he gains in turning every thing upside down and against common sense.

Oyakhilome, somehow, sees himself as the lone voice in the wilderness who warns of the dire consequences that will befall the world in a few years. Pastor Chris is a prophet of doom who pontificates against science with a vengeance. So much so, that, he has woven his usual conspiracy theory around climate change issues. For him, climate change is a hoax and an outright deception, and no more than an agenda to ‘recolonise’ the world! How that makes sense to him and his members cheering him on, is the eight wonder of the world. It would have been funny were it not so tragic.

Pastor Chris has declared that ‘Rapture’ is imminent. According to him, and if I got him right, in less than a decade, Rapture will take place. The funny thing is that his flock of sheep believe him. How an adult with grey matter in his skull can believe such nonsense is marveling.

Anyway, that’s the nonsense that religious beliefs make people to believe.

The government of Nigeria is failing in its duty to the people, if mavericks such as Chris Oyakhilome are given free reign to be deceiving people, without consequence. I sincerely think that the time to regulate religion is now! People like Chris Oyakhilome and his ideology are a danger to common sense and to the world.

I sincerely wish Christian Oyakhilome a happy sixtieth birthday, but will in the same breath plead with him to stop leading people astray with his teachings. His anti-science posture is really unnecessary, doesn’t make any sense, and in the long run will hurt his sheep who, for example, run away from vaccination.

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