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Thou Shall Not Let the Victims Speak

By Abu Onyiani


Nigerian Christians have an 11th commandment, which is to always shush and stifle victims of church abuse. I mean, people who have lived with Temitope Balogun Joshua in the Synagogue, some for over a decade including his own daughter have come out to speak about their ordeal in the Prophet’s hands, yet are being attacked for speaking up by Christians who have only seen him from their television set. We have a culture of empowering Christian religious leaders, even when there is clear evidence of cognitive decline.

When T.B. Joshua’s apprentice, Chris Oyakhilome, emboldened by an army of evidently lobotomized dolts drew a nonsensical graph that linked COVID-19 to 5G, those of us who dared question his logic, and in extension, his sanity were quickly hushed down and attacked by his blood hungry barracudas.

Empowered by these polemicists, more lies continue to roll from his tongue, with frightening alacrity. The curly haired pastor, amongst his numerous perfidious fables, infamously claimed over 5 billion people were watching one of his live broadcasts. When engaged with logic, his cult of mostly debilitated juvenile nincompoops quickly threatens you with eternal damnation as you are touching God’s anointed. This is not surprising for a demography that is terrorized into cutting off ties with anyone who dares question their earthly gods, even when you possess irrefutable hard evidence.

The BBC revelation about T.B. Joshua, with accusations from his ex protégés he enslaved, including his own daughter is nothing new in Christendom today, or at least in Nigeria. We have always had a culture of shutting down victims in Nigeria, particularly if they suit our biases. A lady who once declared that even her own father is a potential rapist on account of his gender is surprisingly defending T.B. Joshua because a pastor’s supposed crimes are infinitesimal and not worthy of a social discourse. Some have declared war if such the unveiling is discussed  before them.

This is exactly why everyone, including women support organizations threw Stephanie Otobo under the bus, when she claimed she was mercilessly and numerously ravished and “tobolised” by Johnson Suleiman. She tendered an apology shortly after, yet as soon as she travelled abroad, she claimed that Suleiman Johnson, the “Otobolizer”, threatened her and forced her to tender an apology. She caved in because she had no means to fight back and protect herself. To prove her point that her expression of regret based on her earlier accusation was under duress, she uploaded a photo of a Penis, and claimed it belonged to the Otobolizer. Till date, there have only been huffs and puffs from the Otobolizer’s camp. To a keen observer, this felt that she was hitting a nail on a right point, as the Otobolizer clearly has the resources to pursue a case against her, anywhere in the world that she is in.

The idea that a man, even if he claims to eat fufu, drink beer or sleep with a god cannot be questioned is oppressive, atavistic and retrogressive, to put it mildly. The nonchalant use of the brain seems to be the most craved characteristic of Nigerian Christians, particularly the Pentecostal arm, on issues bordering on the criminality, sexual abuse, financial exploitation and pulpit banditry of their church leaders.

I once read of a story where an under aged girl was disowned by her mother because she accused her pastor of attempted rape. Only when another girl was raped did her senses returned, by which time the girl had become a drug addict and petty thief who slept on the streets.

For a demography of people that are renowned for talking down on the beliefs and religions of others with celerity and savage brutality, they are very quick to transform into Nemanja Vidic’s defensive mode when genuine questions about the men of god they serve are raised. Already, some brain dead morons have started running riot on social media, attacking any and all who dare criticizes T.B. Joshua’s particularly cruel and barbaric modus operandi.

We should be motivated to ask why his disciples are barred from connecting with the outside world? Why are these “miracles” excessively published and promoted, when an actual healing in a teaching hospital would clear all doubts and demonstrate God’s inexhaustible power? Why are church souvenirs wickedly expensive? In 2007, my aunt bought holy water that could barely fill an eye drop container for 5,000 naira. She did not receive any healing.

The usual foolish explanation to this anomaly is, my aunt did not have faith, but what faith does the dead these pastors raise possess that inspires their healing. One of the best people’s oriented legislation the Nigerian government ever made was to ban these Nollywood scripted miracles from TV.

Nollywood veteran and legend Enebeli Elebuwa complained bitterly about the fraud perpetuated at the Synagogue. When he died, many touch-not-my-anointed crooning Nigerian Christians celebrated gleefully, and with reckless abandon. Anyone who dared criticized their daddies deserved to die horribly, even if he was a legend who had contributed positively to their fatherland’s global image through his gift of acting.

For a people who love to boast about powers, I often laugh at their shenanigans when threatened with actual danger. When the Otobolizer’s convoy was attacked on the 22nd of October 2022, he was protected by his armored vehicle. He never came out of the vehicle to abracadabra his attackers in the attack that left seven dead. Instead, he waited till he got home and sat behind a ring light and was shouting “you can’t kill me, you can’t see me” on Facebook live as if he is John Cena’s doppelganger.

His lobotomized lackeys almost killed us with exaggerated fables of what they termed a miracle. I wonder how the family of the deceased seven felt about the miracle that left their fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters dead . This was exactly why I didn’t bother to educate the groups who believed and proclaimed the Otobolizer used them for rituals about the utter ignorance of their beliefs. Two people can actually play the outlandish game of wicked public disinformation. These pastors thrive on the ignorance, illiteracy and superstition of their followers, many of who become victims but are swiftly excommunicated by the other sheep when they dare speak up.

As a Christian, have you bothered to ask why your church leaders encourage you to shun “unbelievers”? It is simply because an isolated demography is easier to keep in chains. They want you to become their perpetual slave. I often laugh when these absolutely insufferable ignoramus ask you to mind your business when you try to dissect their buffoonish dramatization. I cannot sleep every Friday because of the churches around me holding deliverance services for the same group of people they have been delivering from poverty they have never left since before the regime of the incurably inept Muhammadu Buhari. A “Beware of Dogs” sign keeps my home protected from the intrusion of unwanted evangelists who only want to talk and talk, and I cannot walk through public places without receiving unsolicited, unnecessary and unwanted scriptural tracts. Yet these same people continually tell us we need to mind our businesses and stop talking about their kill-and-cure brand of Christianity.

No! No!! No!!!

We will continue to expose scammers, pedophiles, rapists and slave masters whenever we discover them. When we have information of preachers Otobolizing their young choristers, we will shout it as loudly as we can., and it is working.

Twenty years ago, people still went into the studio to make videos about how they were number 5 in the spirit kingdom of darkness and the evil they wrought upon the world. This is both stupid and annoying because, the bible says Satan and a group of angels fought against God in heaven, yet they stood by and allowed Lucifer elevate an idiot born in the 70s and 80s rise to become the 5th most powerful member of the kingdom. Some of them also used to say they died and went to heaven, then sold books and DVD’s, and made money off the poor and ignorant dimwit they sold the rubbish to. Believing those stories clearly showed the mentality of the target audience.

All of these gimmicks have now failed, but these pastors have proven to be very resourceful and innovative in devising and improving deadly formats they use in fleecing the sheeple. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome for example learnt some of his format from his master and leader T.B. Joshua. He quickly improved on them. He was clean shaven instead of his bearded master, and he fried his hair instead of growing an Afro. Coupled with his brilliant dress sense and his supri-supri accent won all the believers who may have disbelieved his sire in the church industry.

This is a wake-up call to everyone who wants to be wise. Guard yourself against the evilness that reeks out of the buttocks of Nigerian Christian religious leaders. We must scrutinize their activities and call them out when they fall out of line. We almost also ensure we disobey the 11th commandment of Christianity that says “thou shall not let the victims speak”. We are already liars, fornicators and onanists, or are we not?

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